2009年11月28日 星期六

Fixing a bug about using Eclipse 3.5 in Ubuntu 9.10

After upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10,
some buttons in Eclipse 3.5 failed to work using mouse click,
but it's fine using keyboard.

I googled for a while and found a workaround.
Just create a script and start your Eclipse using it.
And all the buttons should be working as usual.


Convert Ant projects to Maven

I have tried to convert some Ant projects to Maven.
Here's the steps using Eclipse and M2Eclipse:
  • Right click on Project, choose Maven -> Enable Dependency Management
  • Change project layout, add src/main/java, src/main/resources and src/test/java
  • Set output folder to target/classes or target/test-classes in project properties
  • Add pom.xml, and fix missing dependencies (You can use nexus or artifactory.)
  • Run mvn install and see if everything works

2009年7月20日 星期一

cannot start Eclipse 3.4.2 on Ubuntu 8.10

Actually, it worked before but eclipse 3.4.2 suddenly failed to start this morning. I don't know what happened, so I just googled for the error message:

org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -2147467262
at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Mozilla.error(Mozilla.java:1638)
at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Mozilla.setText(Mozilla.java:1861)
at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser.setText(Browser.java:737)

Then I found the solution on this blog

So I downloaded an older version of xulrunner (I use 1.9.0), unzip it to my local folder. I put the line below in my eclipse.ini file and my eclipse WORKS again~~


2009年3月30日 星期一

What's New in Eclipse 3.4 and MyEclipse 7.1

Here's a brief summary of what's new in Eclipse 3.4 and MyEclipse 7.1:

Eclipse 3.4
  • breadcrumb when editing Java files
  • use multiple core to build - save at most 30% of time (this is what THEY said...)
  • has built-in support for subversion (but you have to install svn connector manually)

MyEclipse 7.1
  • enhanced javascript debugger
  • highlight paired HTML tag
  • better ap server deployment

2009年3月1日 星期日


後來想想稍微改一下可以貼在 blog 上 :P


先從一些基本的推薦起 :P

  • 登山衣物價錢差異很大,根據品牌和材質不同,差好幾倍都很正常,建議先買比較平價就好,因為目前只是爬爬郊山而已
  • 如果要去實體店家的話,中山北路和忠孝西路附近的台北山水和登山友這兩間店不錯,貨色齊全,價格合理(名牌當然還是很貴,但是不怕買到假貨,也不會被騙)。網路購物的話可以考慮高雄百岳,他們購物網站做的不錯。除非很有把握,否則儘量不要在拍賣上買,很多都是假的...
衣服: 先買件長袖的就好,一年四季都可以穿。百岳自有品牌的型或許沒那麼好看,但是c/p值蠻高的

褲子: 先買薄一點又排汗透氣的,這樣除了冬天之外,春夏秋三季都可以穿,Lafuma 算是蠻平價的品牌,我有買一件,目前為止很滿意

鞋子: Merrell 的不錯,不然其實一般運動鞋/慢跑鞋也可以

外套: 台灣賣的外套比國外貴不少。露天拍賣有個賣家不錯,價格比較便宜,但是貨色/款式/尺寸不是很齊,所以要碰碰運氣。這是他賣場裡的外套,買防風透氣的就夠了,不用買到太高檔的 :P